Olivaceous Warbler - 1994
Sunday, December 25, 2011 at 10:05AM
Pembrokeshire Avifauna committee in 1994 BoP, Olivaceous Warbler


One caught and ringed at Skokholm on 23 September 1951 (P. Conder et al.) was the first British record of a species that nests no closer than Iberia and Greece. It remained on the island until the Observatory closed on 3 October, observers being treated with views at ranges down to two metres as it perched on top of the bracken.

Donovan J.W. & Rees G.H (1994), Birds of Pembrokeshire

Update on Monday, February 10, 2014 at 5:48PM by Registered CommenterPembrokeshire Avifauna committee

The following records have now (1998) been reassessed by the Committee and are no longer considered acceptable, the decisions in respect of those in 1951 and 1956 having been confirmed by the BOURC:

1951 Pembrokeshire Skokholm 23rd September to 3rd October (Brit. Birds 46:191-192 plate 27)

Article originally appeared on Birds in Pembrokeshire (http://pembsbirds.squarespace.com/).
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