Red-legged Partridge - 1894
Sunday, February 27, 2011 at 10:54PM
Pembrokeshire Avifauna committee in Mathew, Red-legged Partridge, gamebird, introduced

Caccabis rufa


Lord Cawdor in the south of the county, and Mr. J. Worthington, of Glyn-y-mel, Fishguard, in the north, have attempted to naturalise the red-legged Partridge, but have met with no success. We have seen the fine, healthy young birds reared at Glyn-y-mel, but they soon disappeared after they were turned out in fields where it seemed likely they would remain, nor were any ever met with afterwards during the shooting season in the neighbourhood.

Mr. Moore, the head keeper at Picton Castle, has told us that he once shot a single example of this species at Picton. and this is the only one that, to our knowledge, has been obtained anywhere at large within the county.

Attempts to introduce the red-legged Partridge have also failed both in Devonshire and Dorsetshire, and it seems natural to conclude that the climate of the south-west of the kingdom is too humid for it. We cannot think of any other reason to account for its refusing to establish itself in the various (in all other respects) suitable districts on which it has been turned out.

Mathew M.A. 1894, Birds of Pembrokeshire and it's Islands

Article originally appeared on Birds in Pembrokeshire (
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