Black Tern - Spring
Saturday, June 25, 2011 at 5:49PM
Pembrokeshire Avifauna committee in Black Tern, GHR, Migrant, passage, spring, tern

Chlidonias niger

Very few Black Terns have been recorded in Pembrokeshire in spring, viz. one at Dale on the 8th May 1954, two Teifi Marshes on the 7th May 1986, one Gann 19th April 1987 with three at nearby Anchor Hoaten the same day, one Skomer 24th April 1988, two Garron Pill 3rd May 1988 with one remaining for the next day, singles at Pembroke Mill Ponds 25th April 1988 and St Govan’s Head 20th April 1992.

Graham Rees

(Covers records up to and including 2006).

Article originally appeared on Birds in Pembrokeshire (
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