The confirmed and probable breeding records total 16 for both the 1984 - 88 and the 2003-07 surveys. The estimated 50 breeding pairs during the former survey was based on these registrations, so there has probably been no change since. However there was almost a 50% reduction in the possible breeding category, that is to say birds seen in apparently suitable habitat during the nesting season. Why this is so has not been resolved. Kingfishers can suffer increased mortality during cold spells but no such weather occurred during the review period. Pollution incidents may affect fish stocks and therefore Kingfishers, but in general water quality has improved post the 1980’s and no such effect was experienced in the core breeding area. The most likely explanation seems to be under-recording, for bright and colourful as Kingfishers are, they can be elusive and easily overlooked.
Graham Rees
Fieldwork 2003-07 (based on 49o tetrads)
Red = breeding confirmed = 8
Orange = breeding probable = 8
Yellow = breeding possible = 16
Total tetrads in which registered = 32 (6.5%)