Spotted Redshank - 1949
Friday, October 4, 2013 at 1:00PM
Pembrokeshire Avifauna committee in 1949 BoP, Spotted Redshank

Tringa erythropus

Mathew describes it as "an autumn visitor; rare".  Three were received at the Cardiff Museum from Tenby in 1896.  One seen Dale, 25 aug 1944 (B.Birds XXXVIII, 139).  Two Dale 7 Sept 1947 (T.A.Warren-Davies).  One Ramsey, 21-25 Aug 1948 (J.Davies)

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society

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