Sub-alpine Warbler - 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013 at 11:26PM
Pembrokeshire Avifauna committee in MYP, Subalpine Warbler

Sylvia cantillans

Western  Subalpine Warblers  of the nominate race cantillans breed in SW Europe and NW Africa,  Eastern Subalpine Warblers of the the race albistriata, in SE Europe and Turkey. Spring males of the two races are readily separable by the extent of and intensity of rufous on the underparts and the thickness of the sub-moustachial stripe. Females are more difficult though the intensity of colouring can be helpful; with Eastern showing paler, colder tones on both upper and underparts. The Skomer bird of spring 2013 shows features of ‘albistriata’but beng a female may be impossible to determine for sure. Records of Subalpine Warblers in Pembrokeshire, were confined to the Islands until a bird at St David’s Head in spring 2013.

Subalpine Warbler was removed from the list of species considered by BBRC in 2006 and is now on the WRP list of Welsh rarities.

Skokholm Records

Skokholm 1st October 1953

Skokholm 3rd May 1970

Skokholm 7th June 1976

Skokholm  11th May 1990

Skokhom 15th May 1992

Skokholm female 2nd-8th April 2001 (G Thompson)

Skokholm male 3rd Nov 2001(G Thompson)

Skokholm (female ssp cantillans) 16th May 2013 (E Wood et al ). Photo below by Richard Brown, note warm colouring.

Skomer Records

Skomer3rd May 1990

Skomer 26th May 1990

Skomer 14th May 1992

Skomer male 19th May 2008 (D Boyle)

Skomer female 29th-30th   May 2013 (J Boulter, E Stubbings) Photo below by Dave Boyle, note cold colouring which may indicate an Eastern bird.


Ramsey Records

Ramsey 23rd-27th May 2006 (G M,L M)

Ramsey male 15th May 2008 (J Wells)

Ramsey male 23rd June 2009  (SC Votier)


The only record away from the Islands thus far:

St David’s Head (male ssp cantillans) 23rd-27th April 2013 (W James, K Mr, R Seekins, M Young-Powell) photo below by Mike Young-Powell.


MYP 29/05/2013 

Article originally appeared on Birds in Pembrokeshire (
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