Golden Eagle - 1949 status
Thursday, August 29, 2013 at 8:08AM
Pembrokeshire Avifauna committee in 1949 BoP, Golden Eagle

Aquila chrysaetus chrysaetus

Two, which had been kept in captivity on Skomer, were released there in 1915.  One of these was soon afterwards shot near Marloes; the other, after living on Skomer for 13 years, moved to Ramsey in 1929, where it remained for several years.  A "mate" was provided from the London Zoo in June 1929; this bird, a female, was found drowned on 9 Oct 1929, washed up on the mainland opposite Ramsey.  The other was shot in March 1932 by the farmer at Ramsey, who alleged it was killing lambs.  This too, proved to be a female.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society

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