Long-tailed Tit - notable records
Saturday, July 4, 2020 at 9:06PM
Pembrokeshire Avifauna committee in Long-tailed Tit

Generally considered a sedentary, common and widespread breeding species, long-tailed tits can sometimes make surprisingly longer journeys, occasionally reaching the offshore islands in autumn.  Family parties of up to a dozen birds are not uncommon, but sometimes they gather in larger numbers.

1990 - Three reached Skomer 28 Nov.

1993 - A good breeding season judging by groups of up to 20 being widespread in autumn, 4 reaching Ramsey 26 Oct, 10 on 21 Nov and 3 Skokholm 24 Oct.

1994 - Frequently encountered, seen at Ramsey 2 Nov and 4 at Skomer 21 Nov

1995 - Population at high level judging by widespread occurrences throughout year.  6 reached Skomer 20 Oct with 7 there 31 Oct

1997 - Appeared to come through the cold spell unscathed as widespread in breeding season and mnay brood sseen.  6 reached Skomer 6 Oct, with 3 there 31 Oct;  6 on 12 and 15 Nov; and 5 on 14 Nov

1998 - 16 wandered as far as Skomer 14 Nov (SS)

1999 - One Skomer 15 Oct, 10 there 14 Oct.

2000 - 17 reached Skomer 15 Oct (JGB).

2002 - 7 were at Skomer on 24 Oct, 3 remaining for another day (JGB).

2004 - Up to 10 recorded Strumble Hd Oct-Dec. On Skomer, 2 were present 12 Oct and 2 moved east 2 Nov

2008 - On Ramsey - 6 on 22 Oct were the first records since 1995. Further records then ocurred with 4 on 30th and 25 on 31st Oct;  7 on 1st Nov and 8 on 3rd Nov.

On Skomer - four on October 24th and three on the 29th. Ten present on November 1st rising to 25 on the 3rd (highest ever record), a flock of 12 were seen heading for Grassholm on this day. Over 22 present on November 4th, ten  on the 5th. eight on the 6th, five on the 8th, and four on the 14th and 16th

2009 - A party of six on Skomer on 9th Nov.

2010 - Max counts 34 Freestone cottage 29th June and 30 Dinas Head on 1st Nov. Six on Ramsey on 6th Nov.

2011 - Max counts were 31 Porthclais on 7th Nov, 25 Ceiwbr on 16th Oct and 20 at Kilgetty on 2nd Oct and at Bosherston on 17th Nov

2016 - Max count of 12 at Teifi Marshes on 7th March and 16th June and Lydstep on 19th Oct.

2017 - Highest count 25 Stackpole on 1st Nov. Influx noted on Skomer in October, with 35 on 25th and 44 on 27th

2018 - Maximum count was 15 at Scolton on 14th Dec

Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire Bird Reports

Article originally appeared on Birds in Pembrokeshire (http://pembsbirds.squarespace.com/).
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