Ring Ouzel - 1995

The last regular breeding was in 1971, except for a successful nest on Mynydd Crwn in the Preseli Mountains in 1995
Pembrokeshire Bird Report 1995

The last regular breeding was in 1971, except for a successful nest on Mynydd Crwn in the Preseli Mountains in 1995
Pembrokeshire Bird Report 1995
Sternus roseus - DRUDWEN WRIDOG - Rare visitor
2002 - Sub-ad Skokholm 3 & 4 June, ad there 7, 9 & 17 June (GT), ad Skomer 11 June (predated by a Sparrowhawk) (JGB), ad Ramsey 20 June (SA), ad St David’s 20-23 Aug with 2 ads there 24 & 25 Aug (LL et al), juv Skokholm 19, 20 & 30 Sept and 1-3 Oct (GT), probably 7 or 8 individuals involved.
2003 - Two spring records: Strumble Hd 7 (AR) and Porth Clais 19-21 June (LL). In autumn, a juv on Skomer 15 Sept (JGB) was the third for the Island.
2008 - A 1st winter bird was found in a Haverfordwest garden on 26 Feb. It remain in the same area until 1 May, by which time not only had it been seen by many observers, but it had also changed into adult plumage.
2009 - The only record received was of a juvenile in a Pembroke Dock garden 18 Nov - 2 Dec (per RD).
2010 - A single adult first seen at Treginnis & then St. Davids was present from 28th April until the 9th of May (JB, MB, BD).
2011 - A juvenile was on Skomer from 29th Sept until 2nd Nov (DB).
2012 - An adult Martin’s Haven 5 June (T. Hutton, ST), a juvenile Haverfordwest 18-21 Oct at least (Krystal Thomas).
2013 - An adult at Whitesands Bay / St. Davids Head 22nd to 26th Aug (J & MB, MYP).
2014 - A Juvenile present at Lleithyr Farm Campsite St. Davids from 19 - 26 September was the only record this year (M Thomas, et al).
2017 - Juvenile at Roch 12 – 14 Nov (RM), was probably the same that was at St. Florence 26th – 30th Nov (PV).
2018 - Juvenile moulting into adult at Roch 8 Feb, presumed same at Robeston Wathen 5 March. Adults at Whitesands 14th June (MYP), Skomer 4th June (SKP, ES), Hakin 10th June (CN), West Hook Farm 10 June (CS & KS). Finally, a juv. Castlemartin 25th Oct (per blog).
Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire Bird Reports
In October a bird looking a close match for a Siberian Lesser Whitethroat S. c. blythi was found at the Farm on the 3rd (RDB). It appeared to have a shorter than average primary projection, the browner crown and nape typical of the race and when later trapped the wing was found to be rounded, with a second primary roughly equal in length to the seventh, and the tail exhibited a white tip to the penultimate feather and a brighter white outer feather. A feather has been sent for DNA analysis which will hopefully confirm this as the first Siberian Lesser Whitethroat for Skokholm. The bird was present from the 3rd until the 5th. The final record of the year on 30th October also looked like a good candidate for S. c. blythi, however it soon entered the Bracken and was not trapped to allow for a close inspection of wing formula and tail pattern (GE).
Source: Skokhom Annual Report 2014
DNA from the feather confirmed the identity, and the record was subsequently accepted by WBRC.
Hippolais polyglota - ELOR PER - Scarce but near annual passage migrant
1990 - One Skomer 12 July (AW, GIW et al). (Circulating WRAG)
1991 - One Skokhalm on 29-36 June (MB).
1993 - Singles Skomer 20 May and 17 Sept (GJW)
1994 - Singles at Skokholm 7 ad 30 Aug (MB, GJW et al) and Skomer 11 Sept (PG et al)
1995 - One Skokholm - 5-6 Sept (MB et al)
1996 - Singles Skokholm 8-11 and 17 Aug
1998 - One Strumble Head 4-5 Oct (SB)
2000 - Singles Strumble Hd 7-8 Aug (SB et al) and Skomer 25 Sept-6 Oct (MJP et al).
2002 - One Skokholm 30/31 May (GT)
2005 - Two records Skomer, 15 Aug and 30 Aug were the island’s eighth and ninth records (JGB).
2006 - One record, Skomer 29 Aug (JGB).
2008 -One was caught and ringed on Caldey on 16 Sept (SS) and another was seen o Skomer on 21 Sept (D.Boyle)
2011 - Singles Skokholm 31st July- 1st Aug (M. Betts), 19th – 20th Aug (JGil, SS) and Martin’s Haven 8th-14th Aug (O. Leysham et al).
2012 - Three individuals recorded on Skokholm, 2nd – 3rd Sept. (SS), 15th-17th Sept (MYP) and 7th Oct (LY).
2014 - Three individuals recorded this year, all on Skomer on 3rd Sept (LPL, JWM, EMS), 26th Sept (JWM) and 2nd - 4th & 10th Oct (JWM, EMS).
2015 - Single Skokholm on 15th May (RDB).
2017 - Singles at Whitesands on 1st -2 nd Sept (MYP, KYP) on Skokholm 28th Sept – 8 th Oct (SWo, RB et al) and one on Skomer 17th – 18h Aug (BB, ES).
2018 - One on Skokholm 2nd & 5th Sept (GE et al)
Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire Bird Reports
Skomer - One of these cracking warblers was found at the Garland Stone in the afternoon on October 20th (LN). It was first seen flitting around in the dead bracken next to the path and showing extremely well. Unfortunately, a search later that day by all the staff on the island could not re-find the bird, although the weather had deteriorated.
Skokholm One caught in the Library Net on 26th October was the second for Skokholm and only the fourth Pembrokeshire record of this Siberian leaf warbler (GE, RDB).
Records from the respective island annual reports.
Generally considered a sedentary, common and widespread breeding species, long-tailed tits can sometimes make surprisingly longer journeys, occasionally reaching the offshore islands in autumn. Family parties of up to a dozen birds are not uncommon, but sometimes they gather in larger numbers.
1990 - Three reached Skomer 28 Nov.
1993 - A good breeding season judging by groups of up to 20 being widespread in autumn, 4 reaching Ramsey 26 Oct, 10 on 21 Nov and 3 Skokholm 24 Oct.
1994 - Frequently encountered, seen at Ramsey 2 Nov and 4 at Skomer 21 Nov
1995 - Population at high level judging by widespread occurrences throughout year. 6 reached Skomer 20 Oct with 7 there 31 Oct
1997 - Appeared to come through the cold spell unscathed as widespread in breeding season and mnay brood sseen. 6 reached Skomer 6 Oct, with 3 there 31 Oct; 6 on 12 and 15 Nov; and 5 on 14 Nov
1998 - 16 wandered as far as Skomer 14 Nov (SS)
1999 - One Skomer 15 Oct, 10 there 14 Oct.
2000 - 17 reached Skomer 15 Oct (JGB).
2002 - 7 were at Skomer on 24 Oct, 3 remaining for another day (JGB).
2004 - Up to 10 recorded Strumble Hd Oct-Dec. On Skomer, 2 were present 12 Oct and 2 moved east 2 Nov
2008 - On Ramsey - 6 on 22 Oct were the first records since 1995. Further records then ocurred with 4 on 30th and 25 on 31st Oct; 7 on 1st Nov and 8 on 3rd Nov.
On Skomer - four on October 24th and three on the 29th. Ten present on November 1st rising to 25 on the 3rd (highest ever record), a flock of 12 were seen heading for Grassholm on this day. Over 22 present on November 4th, ten on the 5th. eight on the 6th, five on the 8th, and four on the 14th and 16th
2009 - A party of six on Skomer on 9th Nov.
2010 - Max counts 34 Freestone cottage 29th June and 30 Dinas Head on 1st Nov. Six on Ramsey on 6th Nov.
2011 - Max counts were 31 Porthclais on 7th Nov, 25 Ceiwbr on 16th Oct and 20 at Kilgetty on 2nd Oct and at Bosherston on 17th Nov
2016 - Max count of 12 at Teifi Marshes on 7th March and 16th June and Lydstep on 19th Oct.
2017 - Highest count 25 Stackpole on 1st Nov. Influx noted on Skomer in October, with 35 on 25th and 44 on 27th
2018 - Maximum count was 15 at Scolton on 14th Dec
Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire Bird Reports
One trapped in the Well Heligoland on 2nd June was the first for Skokholm and the first spring record for Pembrokeshire (RDB et al.). Along with differences in structure and plumage, the wing formula confirmed the identification; in the hand the second primary, which had a shorter notch than a Reed Warbler, was longer than the fourth primary and the end of the emargination of the third primary fell level with the tip of the eighth rather than the tenth.
The only other Pembrokeshire record was found on Skomer Island by Dave Boyle on the late date of 2nd November in 2009; singles on Skokholm between the 21st and 22nd September 1995 and on Skomer on 23rd September 1993 were both rejected by the Welsh Records Panel.
From the Skokholm Annual Report 2017
24 October 1993. Skokholm.
Two in the bracken above South Bay. First island record. (Skokholm bird report)
(only the second confirmed record for Pembs - Pembs Bird Report 1993)
Parus ater - TITW PENDDU - Breeding resident, unusual on the islands
Although basically a sedentary species, the coal tit is prone to irruptive/eruptive behaviour following particularly good breeding seasons. In such years, they are often seen along the open coast, and even reach the offshore islands, usually in October. During a large irruption of tits in 1957, more than 100 coal tits passed through Skokholm.
More recent such occurrences include:
1988 - Unusually high numbers reported after the breeding season, when many joined mixed tit flocks on the open coast and penetrated to both Skomer and Skokholm
1989 - Up to 15 seen at Skomer 30 Sept - 23 Oct and 4 reached Skokholm on 12 Oct.
1991 - Reached Skomer in greater than usual numbers, & total of 171 bird-days logged Sept-Nov. Up to 15 also reached Skokholm.
1994 - Island records: Skomer 22,23,& 25 September with a max of 10; one Skokholm 15 Oct; 3 Ramsey 11 Oct
1997 - Eruptive and irruptive from Sept, when many flocks Seen around the coast at places like Strumble Head, Porthclais, St. Bride's and Castlemartin, with up to 170 reaching Ramsey, up to 14 Skomer and one Skokholm. Several exhibited the bluish-grey mantles of the Fenno-Scandian form, P. a. ater but most showed the olive-grey of P. a. britannicus.
1999 - One reached Ramsey 24 Oct; singles Skomer 24 June, 5-6 Oct, 25 Oct and I Nov, with 7 on 14 Oct and up to 9 between 17 & 20 Oct.
2001 - 1-4 reached Skomer on 11 dates, 21 Sept – 20 Oct (JGB), and singles Ramsey on 6 dates, 25 Sept – 20 Oct (SA)
2003 - Oct passage noted from Skomer and Ramsey. 50+ noted Porth Clais 3 Oct.
2008 - On Ramsey singles on 27 and 29 Sept, 3 Oct and 2nd Nov with 2 on 27th Oct and 3 on 1 Oct. This mini invasion represented the first records for 5 years. On Skomer: a single on September 25th. Three present on October 3rd and two on the 8th and 16th.
2010 - Three on Skomer on 7th and 12th Oct and two on 17th Oct, one on Ramsey on 9th Oct and two on the 11th Oct.
2015 - Max counts: 20 Dale Air Field on 25 Sept and 50 in off the sea on Ramsey on 30 Sept.
Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire Bird Reports
Lanius senator CIGYDD PENGOCH Rare migrant
1981 - 1, Dale, 16 May (MS); 1, Skomer, 25 Aug and 8 Sep
1986 - Singles Skokholm 19 May (RW) and Skomer 5 Sept (SJS).
1990 - Male Skokholm 12 June (MB et al)
1992 - One Dowrog on 6 June (JB, JRH, GHR)
1994 - Singles at St Davids Head 14-15 May, and on Skomer 24-28 May
1995 - 3 Skomer 2-3 May, 2 remaining to 4 May (SS et al), one Flimston 12-13 May (PRH, RJH et al)
1997 - Singles, Pointz Castle 31 May (WB) and Skokholm 31 May (GT)
1998 - Male Strumble Head 15 May (MG)
2004 - One record, a first winter Skomer 11-13 Oct (JGB)
2009 - A rare summer migrant, usually recorded on the islands. The only record was of a male photographed by a visitor at Strumble Head on 1st July (R. Iddon). Accepted WRP.
2011 - Three individuals were seen this year in Pembrokeshire, the first a male at Abereiddy on 23rd Apr (H Richards), then a female at Whitesands Bay 25th -26th Apr (MYP et al) and finally a male at Mullock Bridge 15th-19th May (D. Buckley). All accepted by WRP.
2013 - The only accepted records were a female at St Davids Head on 21st-30th Apr (B. Stevens et al) and a male on Ramsey on 26th May (per GM). Photo above right by S. Hinton.
2014 - Two spring records, the first a male at Treginnis on 20th - 21st Apr (J. Wadkin) the second a female at the Deer Park, Martin’s Haven on 12th - 13th June (BS). Both accepted by WRP.
2015 - Three virtually synchronous records of males: on Ramsey 15th – 22nd Apr (LM et al), at Whitesands Bay on 16th - 19th Apr (KYP, MYP et al) and near Aberforest on 16th May (SBa, SEB). All accepted by WRP.
2016 - Two records in May of males on Skomer, the first 4th – 8th (JWM, EM Riera) photo below, the second 25th – 26th (JWM). Both accepted WRP.
2018 - Single Skomer 18th - 21st April (SG). Accepted WRP
Lanius excubitor - Scarce winter visitor
1983 - 1, Lower Heythog, 6 Feb (JWD); a Grey Shrike of undetermined species, Whitesands, 17 May (EJ)
1984 - 1, Angle Bay, 18 Nov (RJH).
1988 - Singles Skomer 7 April (SJS) and Llangwm 13 Oct (JG)
1989 - Singles, Fowborough in Mar and Oakwood 31 Mar - 6 April
1993 - One at West Williamston 28 Nov
1994 - One in Lawrenny/Deal's Cross area 2 Jan (JWD, GHB)
1996 - One Kilgetty, 27 March (RE)
1997 - One Moylegrove 8 Feb
1998 - One Slebech Park c12 Dec (WC)
1999 - One Balckpool Mill 9-11 Jan (JB, TJP)
2002 - One Skomer 10 Oct (DC).
2004 - One was present St Davids Head 31 Oct (MYP et al). This may have been the same bird which was at St Davids airfield 12-19 Nov (BD et al)
2008 - One turned up and was seen by a few lucky people at Llys-y-fran Reservoir 22-24 Jan. It then relocated to Ty Rhyg where it was seen and enjoyed my many, 10 Feb until 22 April (MYP et al)
2009 - A rare winter visitor. One at Ty Rhyg from 13th - 21st Mar at least. A grey shrike on Ramsey on 4th June could have been Great Grey, Lesser or Steppe Grey but was never specifically identified.
2010 - Singles Pen Anglas 16th-17th Oct, Ty Rhyg 23rd Oct & 14th Nov, Llys y fran Res 24th Oct and a long staying individual at the Teifi Marshes 18th Jan - 9th Apr.
2011 - Two wintering individuals were located, the returning Ty Rhyg bird, 3rd – 26th March, returning again 26th Oct – 28th Dec and a second bird in Pantmaenog Forest from 4th Mar, returning there 22nd Oct until the end of the year.
2012 - A single Ty Rhyg from 2nd Jan – 11th Apr and a different bird was located at Pantmaenog from 21st Mar until April and again on 27th Oct- 2nd Dec.
2013 - The only record was of a single at Pencarnan, St. Davids from 16th-22nd Nov
2015 - One at the Gann on 17th Oct was the only record received.
2018 - Singles at Pantmaenog 9th Feb, Plumstone Mountain on 16th Mar and Nov 2nd also Myndd Craig Iwydd on 28th Oct.
Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire Bird Reports
Lanius collurio - rare migrant, formerly bred
1981 - Skomer, 31 May, Imm, Skokholm, 5-12 Oct
1982 - 1, Skokholm, 26 May
1984 - 1, Skokholm, 14 Sept.
1985 - Singles,Skomer,17-20 May and 14 Oct; St Bride’s,26 May.
1987 - Singles Skokholm 5 & 6 June, Rosemarket 10 June, Skomer 22-27 Aug and Martin's Haven 21 Oct
1988 - Males Skokholm 17 & 19 May
1989 - Singles, Skokholm 23 May, Marloes 28 May, Stackpole Warren 25 & 27 July, Skomer 29 July and 6 Aug and Dale airfield on 3 Sep
1991 - One was at Skomer 18-29 Sept,
1992 - One Freshwater West on 27 Sept
1993 - One Skomer 18 Oct
1994 - Singles at Skomer 24, 27 and 31 May
1995 - One Skomer 23 May
1996 - Singles Skokholm 6 June and Skomer 17 Aug
1997 - Singles St Govan's Head 30 May; Skomer 5 June; Gann 28 Sep
1998 - Juv, Skomer 19 & 21 Sep (SS et al)
2000 - Juvs Skomer 8-10 Sept and 29-30 Sept (SA, JGB, MJP et al).
2002 - Female Skomer 27-29 May (SD).
2003 - Male Ramsey 30 May (SA). In Autumn, juv’s Skomer 31 Aug (JGB) and Strumble Head 23 Sept (SEB).
2004 - Two records Skomer: a male North Valley 25 May, though sadly, it didn't wait to meet the female which frequented the same bush 6-8 June! (JGB et al)
2005 - Three records: Skomer: male 28 May (JGB), a Juv St Davids Airfield 15-27 Oct (JB et al) and an adult male Strumble Hd 18 Oct (SEB).
2006 - A female was on Skomer 6 Jun (JGB).
2009 - Two records this year, the first of a male on Ramsey on 24th May (L & GM) and an immature on Skomer on 20th - 21st Sept. Both accepted by WRP.
2010 - The only record was of a female at Carn ar Wig, St. David’s on 23rd May (JB). Accepted by WRP.
2011 - Female on Skomer on 16th - 18th Oct (DB, CT). Photo opposite D. Boyle. Accepted WRP.
2012 - A juv Wooltack Point /Martins Haven on 9th Sept (DJA, PKG). Accepted by WRP
2013 - Two accepted records, the first a female ringed on the Preseli Mountains on 2nd June (P. Jenks), the second an immature on Skokholm on 10th Sept (L. Robertson)
2014 - Single female on Skomer on 8th June (JWM) and a juv. at St. David’s Head on 30th Sept – 2nd Oct (J&MB et al). Both accepted WRP.
2016 - A female on Skokholm on 23rd May (RDB), a male Skomer 26th – 27th May (ES) and a juv Skokholm 23rd-24th Aug (JH, RGB). All accepted WRP. (the 27th and 28th Skokholm records)
2018 - Juveniles on Skomer 18th – 20th Sept (ES et al), St. David’s Head 9th Sept (JP) and at Dale Airfield 9th -14th Sept. (BS et al). All accepted by WRP
Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire Bird Reports.