Melodious Warbler - 1990 onwards

Hippolais polyglota - ELOR PER - Scarce but near annual passage migrant
1990 - One Skomer 12 July (AW, GIW et al). (Circulating WRAG)
1991 - One Skokhalm on 29-36 June (MB).
1993 - Singles Skomer 20 May and 17 Sept (GJW)
1994 - Singles at Skokholm 7 ad 30 Aug (MB, GJW et al) and Skomer 11 Sept (PG et al)
1995 - One Skokholm - 5-6 Sept (MB et al)
1996 - Singles Skokholm 8-11 and 17 Aug
1998 - One Strumble Head 4-5 Oct (SB)
2000 - Singles Strumble Hd 7-8 Aug (SB et al) and Skomer 25 Sept-6 Oct (MJP et al).
2002 - One Skokholm 30/31 May (GT)
2005 - Two records Skomer, 15 Aug and 30 Aug were the island’s eighth and ninth records (JGB).
2006 - One record, Skomer 29 Aug (JGB).
2008 -One was caught and ringed on Caldey on 16 Sept (SS) and another was seen o Skomer on 21 Sept (D.Boyle)
2011 - Singles Skokholm 31st July- 1st Aug (M. Betts), 19th – 20th Aug (JGil, SS) and Martin’s Haven 8th-14th Aug (O. Leysham et al).
2012 - Three individuals recorded on Skokholm, 2nd – 3rd Sept. (SS), 15th-17th Sept (MYP) and 7th Oct (LY).
2014 - Three individuals recorded this year, all on Skomer on 3rd Sept (LPL, JWM, EMS), 26th Sept (JWM) and 2nd - 4th & 10th Oct (JWM, EMS).
2015 - Single Skokholm on 15th May (RDB).
2017 - Singles at Whitesands on 1st -2 nd Sept (MYP, KYP) on Skokholm 28th Sept – 8 th Oct (SWo, RB et al) and one on Skomer 17th – 18h Aug (BB, ES).
2018 - One on Skokholm 2nd & 5th Sept (GE et al)
Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire Bird Reports