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Entries in Melodius Warbler (3)


Melodious Warbler - 1990 onwards

Hippolais polyglota - ELOR PER - Scarce but near annual passage migrant

1990 - One Skomer 12 July (AW, GIW et al). (Circulating WRAG)

1991 - One Skokhalm on 29-36 June (MB).

1993 - Singles Skomer 20 May and 17 Sept (GJW)

1994 - Singles at Skokholm 7 ad 30 Aug (MB, GJW et al) and Skomer 11 Sept (PG et al)

1995 - One Skokholm - 5-6 Sept (MB et al)

1996 - Singles Skokholm 8-11 and 17 Aug

1998 - One Strumble Head 4-5 Oct (SB)

2000 - Singles Strumble Hd 7-8 Aug (SB et al) and Skomer 25 Sept-6 Oct (MJP et al).

2002 - One Skokholm 30/31 May (GT)

2005 - Two records Skomer, 15 Aug and 30 Aug were the island’s eighth and ninth records (JGB).

2006 - One record, Skomer 29 Aug (JGB).

2008 -One was caught and ringed on Caldey on 16 Sept (SS) and another was seen o Skomer on 21 Sept (D.Boyle)

2011 - Singles Skokholm 31st July- 1st Aug (M. Betts), 19th – 20th Aug (JGil, SS) and Martin’s Haven 8th-14th Aug (O. Leysham et al).

2012 - Three individuals recorded on Skokholm, 2nd – 3rd Sept. (SS), 15th-17th Sept (MYP) and 7th Oct (LY).

2014 - Three individuals recorded this year, all on Skomer on 3rd Sept (LPL, JWM, EMS), 26th Sept (JWM) and 2nd - 4th & 10th Oct (JWM, EMS).

2015 - Single Skokholm on 15th May (RDB).

2017 - Singles at Whitesands on 1st -2 nd Sept (MYP, KYP) on Skokholm 28th Sept – 8 th Oct (SWo, RB et al) and one on Skomer 17th – 18h Aug (BB, ES).

2018 - One on Skokholm 2nd & 5th Sept (GE et al)

Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire Bird Reports


Melodious Warbler - 1994

Scarce but near annual passage migrant

First recorded at Skokholm from 3 to 12 October 1955, the Melodious Warbler has since been recorded in 27 years up to 1992. Most were single birds on the offshore islands of Skokholm and Skomer, though up to three have occurred at the former locality, in the periods 23 May to 29 June and 12 July to 23 October, being eight times more numerous in the autumn. Elsewhere, they have occurred at Ramsey on 12 September 1973, at Goodwick Moor on 22 August 1983, at Haverfordwest on 12 June 1987 and at Strumble Head from 11 to 14 October 1988.

Donovan J.W. & Rees G.H (1994), Birds of Pembrokeshire


Melodius Warbler - 1894

Species account from M Mathew, 1894, "The Birds of Pembrokeshire and its islands"

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