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Entries in 1949 BoP (260)


Shoveler - 1949

Spatula clypeata

Not very numerous winter visitor, chiefly on the coast and to Skokholm and Skomer.  Regular visitor to Orielton (over one hundred there 30 Jan 1939). A few pairs breed, eg three or four three-quarters grown young shot Dowrog, 1904, nest and eggs found Angle 8 June 1931 (Bertram Lloyd), adults seen in June at St Davids 1929, and Angle 1930.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Pintail - 1949

Anas acuta actua

Mathew records many killed on Goodwick moor, but only twenty-eight taken at Orielton in eight seasons 1877-85.  It is scarce but regular as a winter visitor, to Orielton (fifty present there 26 Nov 1936) and Milford Haven, as well as small sheets of water (a pair Rhoson Pool 15 Sept 1941) including the ponds on the islands were it remains until early April if undisturbed.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Wigeon - 1949

Anas penelope

Common winter visitor, by far the most numerous of the ducks in the autumn.  Ove one thousand present at Orielton Decoy, Jan/Feb 1939.  One seen Dowrog |Pool, June 1924 (H.M.S.)

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Garganey - 1949

Anas querquedula

Mathew records three from Pen-y-cwm, 28 Feb 1888, and others at Stackpole.  Orielton Decoy records one 14 Feb , and 22 Feb 1889; five 21 June 1937; ine 20 July 1937; one 24 Oct 1939; three 24 Aug 1947.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Teal - 1949

Anas crecca crecca

Common winter visitor, abundant at Orielton Decoy.  Mathew believed it might breed in suitable places.  Recorded as breeding Pembroke area (W.F.Bentley) and Fishguard (R.Dougal). J.Wynne found a nest near Angle, where Bertram Lloyd records a few pairs breeding.  Seen St David's in June 1948.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Gadwall - 1949

Anas strepera

Mathew records one shot near Pembroke, two taken at Orielton decoy, and one probably from Stackpole now in the British Museum; all without dates. At Orielton Decoy fifteen were taken up to 1908, and several were shot there between 1914-18.  A male was taken at Orielton in 1914 and another at the end of Nov 1938.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Mallard - 1949

Anas platyrhyncha platyrhyncha

Common resident and winter visitor.  Mathew says "it must have been far more abundant fifty years ago" ie about 1845

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Ruddy Sheld-Duck - 1949

Casarca ferruginea

Mathew says that one was shot out of a small flock near St Davids, July 1892, a year in which there were many in the country

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Sheld-Duck - 1949

Tadorna tadorna

Mathew mentions that "a pair or two nest on sandhills below Milford Haven" and says it has been seen on Goodwick Sands, and once captured at Orielton.  Breeds annually on sandy banks, Mullock Bridge, Angle, and on the upper reaches of the Cleddau; also a few pairs at Newport and Teifi estuary.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Brent Goose - 1949

Branta bernicla

Winter visitor, according to Mathew "sometimes abundant," which usually appeared on Goodwick Sands at the first northerly or north-easterly gale between 29 Sept and 7 Oct.  Visits the Teifi estuary, and Milford Haven, and is seen passing at sea off Skokholm and Skomer in winter.  It has been shot at various times, but the sub-species has not been identified.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Barnacle Goose - 1949

Branta leucopsis

Mathew records it as a winter visitor which generally arrived at Goodwick Sands about 1st October.  Also recorded from Orielton, 1855 and 1877; and from St David's Dec 1893.  Seen passing at sea off Skokholm in winter.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society


Red-breasted Goose - 1949

Branta ruficollis

One Milford Haven, 18 Jan 1935 (B.Birds XXXVIII, 311)

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society