Spotted Flycatcher - 1994

Breeding summer visitor and passage migrant. Not recorded from December to February
A common but not abundant summer visitor to Mathew (1894); Lockley et al. (1949) also noted it as a numerous passage migrant to the islands.
Today it is a widespread breeder in Pembrokeshire, principally found in wooded areas but also in orchards and gardens and on some islands (see map). At an estimated average density of four pairs per tetrad, a total county breeding population of about 900 pairs can be calculated.
The first Spotted Flycatchers usually arrive in Pembrokeshire during the last week of April or early May. Occasionally they are noted from 19 April onwards, and one was at Skomer from 26 to 30 March 1984. Passage continues through to early June, sometimes to the end of the month, with occasional falls such as the 150 birds seen at Ramsey on 13 May 1967.
They pass through again from about mid-July to early October, with stragglers sometimes recorded until 23 October, but up to three were noted at Skomer between the 1 and 14 November 1977. Falls also occur on autumn passage, such as the 40 birds seen at Skokholm on 14 August 1964.
Ringing recoveries have shown that Continental birds, from Germany, pass through in autumn and migrants of unknown origin ringed locally at that season have reached Nigeria by October.
Fieldwork 1984-88 (based on 478 tetrads)
Red = breeding confirmed = 87
Orange = breeding probable = 61
Yellow = breeding possible = 76
Total tetrads in which registered = 224 (46.9%)