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Brambling - 1894

Fringilla montifringilla

A winter visitor; rare and irregular.

We had so many beech trees in our grounds, the mast of which is a favourite food with this species, that every winter we were on the watch for it, confidently expecting its appearance. But we never once saw it, and it seems to be a rare bird in Pembrokeshire— at least, in the north of the county. It is not included by Mr. Dix. Mr. Tracy says that it is " very common some winters, feeding in flocks with Chaffinches in farmyards, and in woods on the beech mast." Sir Hugh Owen has obtained specimens at Goodwick, and the Rev. Clennell Wilkinson at Castle Martin ; and Mr. H. Mathias has also met with it. We have also a note of its occurrence near Tenby.

Mathew M.A. 1894, Birds of Pembrokeshire and it's Islands


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