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Cirl Bunting - 1894

Emberiza cirlus

A rare occasional visitor.

No record of its having nested in the county. There are specimens in the Stackpole Court collection. Is stated to have been seen near Tenby, and is included in Mr. Mathias' list. One shot, according to Rev. C. M. Phelps, near Solva. Mr. Howard Saunders, who spent the summer of 1893 at Dinas, in the north of the county, has informed us that while he was there he one day " had a perfect view " of a male Cirl Bunting. We never ourselves detected one, nor could Mr. Dix include this species among the birds noted by him in his district. In their long experience, as keen oologists, Dr. Propert and his sons never met with the Cirl Bunting in the neighbourhood of St. David's.

Mathew M.A. 1894, Birds of Pembrokeshire and it's Islands

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