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Pomarine Skua - spring passage

Stercorarius pomarinus

The Pomarine Skua has been of erratic occurrence in spring, involving small numbers between the 8th April and the 18th June. Singles have been recorded from Caldey, St Govan’s Head, Skokholm, Skomer, Grassholm, The Smalls, Druidston, Newgale, Ramsey and Strumble Head, with two together at Amroth on the 4th May 2003 and a party of five passed Skokholm on the 28th May 1991.

One seen at The Smalls on the 28th February 1983 may have been an early migrant or possibly over wintering in the general sea area.

Graham Rees

(Covers records up to and including 2006)

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