Blue-headed Yellow Wagtail - 1894

Motacilla flava
A rare summer visitor from the south.
Writing to us from Dale on 18th October, 1886, Mr. H. Mathias informs us : "I am now able to say for certain that the Greyheaded Wagtail is to be found in Pembrokeshire. My friend, the Rev. Lyte Stradling, an ornithologist, told me one day, when we were shooting together, and talking over Pembrokeshire birds, that he had seen a pair of Greyheaded Wagtails on the flat, between the lime kilns and the small bridge, dividing the parishes of M arloes and Dale, on more than one occasion, and yesterday afternoon there was one running about the road in front of my abode at this place. I had a good opportunity of watching it, for it was not five yards from my window to the stream of water by the side of the road, along which it was seeking for food. From the brightness of its colour, I am disposed to think it was an adult male."

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