Redshank - 1994
Winter visitor and passage migrant, has bred in the past
Mathew (1894) knew of no definite breeding records for redshank. It was suspected that redshanks bred near St David’s in 1932 and 1948 (Lockley et al 1949) while two pairs definitely bred at Trefeiddan, also near St David's, in 1955. There have been no breeding records since.
Mathew (1894) noted that although previously common, the redshank had markedly decreased including in the Cleddau Estuary where Lockley et al (1949) had noted it as an abundant winter visitor. Lloyd’s diaries for 1925-37 contain dates, counts and localities that suggest that its status then was similar to today. The Cleddau Estuary counts demonstrate the general pattern of occurrence and the numbers involved.
Up to 30 redshanks winter on the Teifi Estuary. Three to five in Fishguard Harbour and 10-15 in the Nevern Estuary.
They arrive from 11 June, numbers building up progressively to peak in December before levelling out to a settled winter population. Departure takes place in late March and early april with only small numbers staying until late May. Redshanks also pass through Pembrokeshire on passage between March and May and between June and November, when they are seen at headlands and offshore islands, are heard passing at night and have been recorded at lighthouse attractions at Stumble Head. Groups have been seen to depart northwards from the Cleddau Estuary on calm spring evenings.
Rees G H & Donovan J W, 1994, Birds of Pembrokeshire, Dyfed Wildlife Trust
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