Teal - 1994 Birds of Pembrokeshire

Common winter visitor, passage migrant and scarce breeder
The status of the Teal has probably changed very little from that recorded by both Mathew (1894) and Lockley et al (1949).
It has bred in a variety of localities over the years, but has probably not nested annually.
It is common throughout the winter, when small groups are distributed widely at farm irrigation reservoirs and waters such as Bosherston Pools and Pembroke Mill Pond. There are usually concentrations of 200 or more on the Pentood Marshes and 300 or more at Marloes Mere but the main concentration is found on the Cleddau Estuary, particularly upstream from Daucleddau. They arrive from July, slowly building up to peak numbers in December and January, then depleting slowly through February with a sudden exodus from late March to early April. The average Cleddau Estuary peak count for 1983-87 was 2028 and for 1988-92 was 2425.
Extensive ringing conducted at Orielton from 1937 to 1961 has shown that many of the Teal that occur in Pembrokeshire in the winter later breed on the Western Siberian Plain, extending as far as 61 degrees each beyond the Pechora River. They pass down through the Baltic area and, having arrived in Pembrokeshire, stay for the winter, but others travel west to Ireland or southwards to France, Portugal and Spain, while yet others spread north and east across Wales, and into south England.
Males of the American race A c carolinensis were noted at Rosehill Marsh on 30th January 1972 and at the Gann on 22-27 April 1977 and 2 March 1986.
Fieldwork 1984-88 (based on 478 tetrads)
Red = breeding confirmed = 1
Yellow = breeding possible = 1
Total tetrads in which registered = 2 (0.4%)
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