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Red-necked Grebe - 1994

Scarce winter visitor. Not recorded between May and August

Mathew (1894) noted "several examples" from Pembroke Mill Pond and Lockley et al.(1949) added four further records. A total of 46 have been noted since, extreme dates being 4 September and 21 April. They have been recorded from all parts of the outer coast, particularly Fishguard Harbour and St Bride's Bay, within the estuaries, mainly the Cleddau, and at several fresh water sites such as Bosherston Pools.

Easy to locate and identify on fresh waters and estuaries, it is difficult to do so on the sea. However, enough birds have been found around the outer coastline over the years to suggest that the Red- necked Grebe is still overlooked and may well be a regular visitor in small numbers.

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