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Goshawk - 1994

Status unclear

The first record for the Goshawk was a male seen along the Preseli ridge on 12 September 1964 (J.W. Donovan, T.A.W. Davis). It was seen again in 1973 and bred successfully in 1976. Pairs were seen displaying at two sites during the late 1970s and early 1980s, a juvenile at the Gann on 21 August 1981 perhaps indicating successful breeding. One of the adults was known to have been released but the pair disappeared after 1984. A few wandering Goshawks have since been noted at inland and coastal areas, including the island of Skokholm. The Welsh population has been steadily growing for some years and by 1991 is likely to have been in excess of 100 pairs, the nearest in Carmarthensh ire and Ceridigion, so future colonisation of Pembrokeshire is probable.

Donovan J.W. & Rees G.H (1994), Birds of Pembrokeshire

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