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Greylag Goose - 1994

Erratic visitor. Not recorded from July to September

Lockley etal. (1949) noted two shot at Pont Clew in January 1911, one taken at Orielton Decoy in 1914 and one seen at Milford Haven on 13 December 1930. Greylags have been recorded in 16 of the years since, mainly after 1972, often as single birds but occasionally in groups of up to 20 and mostly between December and February. Feral populations of Greylags have been widely established in Britain by wildfowlers during this period, the nearest being at Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire. This may well have been the origin of many of the Pembrokeshire records. However, small parties seen passing our headlands and islands during October and November are likely to have been wild birds from Iceland.

Donovan J.W. & Rees G.H (1994), Birds of Pembrokeshire

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