Quail - 1994
Summer visitor, erratic breeder. Not recorded from January to March, or in November
Considerable numbers occurred in Pembrokeshire during the irruption years of 1870, 1882, 1886, 1893 and 1899. In 1870, for instance, many nests were found and 330 were shot by a group of 18 sportsmen operating around the Pembrokeshire/Ceredigion border, with one shot at Tyrhos Common in December (Mathew 1894). Such incursions have not been recorded since. Lockley et al (1949) noted the Quail as an almost regular passage migrant on the islands and mainland and that in most years it was heard in the spring along the coast, calling from young corn and hay. They also noted successful breeding on Dinas Island in 1948.
Quail occur most years now but in very small numbers, mainly between May and July, mostly in barley fields. There was an influx of about 80 recorded from 18 localities during 1989, part of an exceptional national invasion. A few occasionally breed (see map), but this is usually only proven when chicks become casualties of silage cutting.
Fieldwork 1984-88 (based on 478 tetrads)
Red = breeding confirmed = 1
Orange = breeding probable = 7
Total tetrads in which registered = 8 (1.7%)
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