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Dipper - 1994

Breeding resident

Described as "a common resident to be met by every stream" by Mathew (1894), and as being "fairly well distributed on larger streams in hilly country" by Lockley et al. (1949).

Dippers now breed along most of the major rivers and several minor streams in Pembrokeshire. They are found from the slopes of the Preseli Mountains almost down to sea level, as at Blackpool Mill, where they nest below the mill itself.

An estimated average density of one to two pairs per occupied tetrad suggests a total of about 70-140 pairs, but it is thought that the map derived from the Breeding Birds Survey of 1984-1988 could be incomplete as far as the eastern regions are concerned. The estimated density figure might also err on the side of caution, since ringing on the Nevem revealed a larger population than was previously suspected. None could be found on the Afon Solva, which looks suitable and where they have been seen in the winter. Our knowledge of Pembrokeshire's Dippers would be greatly improved by further investigation.

One reached Skomer on 3 May 1946 (Lockley et al. ).


Fieldwork 1984-88 (based on 478 tetrads)

Red = breeding confirmed = 26

Orange = breeding probable = 14

Yellow = breeding possible = 29

Total tetrads in which registered = 69 (14.4%)





Donovan J.W. & Rees G.H (1994), Birds of Pembrokeshire

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