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Icterine Warbler - 1994

Scarce passage migrant

Mathew (1894) recorded a singing bird at Stone Hall in 1886 which was either an Icterine or a Melodious Warbler. However, the first specific identification of Icterine Warbler was made at Skomer on 30 May 1959 (N. Pratt and J.W. Donovan). Since then, up to two together have been recorded in 23 years. These have been on the islands of Skomer and Skokholm between 24 April and 28 June or between 21 August and 7 October, apart from one at Martin's Haven on 16 June 1986. Most records are from the autumn, mainly in September, as might be expected from a species which migrates from northern and central Europe to winter in Africa.

Donovan J.W. & Rees G.H (1994), Birds of Pembrokeshire

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