Goosander - 1894

Mergus merganser
A regular winter visitor; not uncommon.
One shot by Mr. W. Summers on the lake at Heathfield in the early spring of 1884, was sent to us, and although infested by a large parasite was in good condition; it was a female. Heathfield is several miles from the coast. Another was obtained at Tregwynt, on the north coast, in January, 1888. We ourselves watched one swimming and diving in the lake at Stackpole, March 22, 1888.
Mr. H. W. Evans, of Solva, possesses a pair of Goosanders in his collection, male and female, that were shot in Solva harbour. Mr. Dix says the Goosander occurs more frequently than the Red-breasted Merganser. The Mallard Goosander, in full plumage, is the most beautiful of all the divers that visit our estuaries and bays in the winter time.
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