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Red Grouse - 1894

Lagopus scoticus

Resident ?

We fear that it is extremely doubtful if a single Red Grouse is left on the Precelly Mountains. Formerly a few broods were to be found there, and Col. John Owen, of Rosebush, used to get a few brace on the hills. In the autumn of 1885, a lady of our acquaintance received a present of a brace that had been shot there, and these are the last that we have ourselves heard of. Mr. Mortimer Propert tells us that he saw what he believed to be Grouse on Brennin Fawr, near Crymmych, on September 9th, 1892. This is on the Cardiganshire side of the Precelly range.

Mathew M.A. 1894, Birds of Pembrokeshire and it's Islands

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