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Brown-headed Gull - 1894

Larus ridibundus

An autumn and winter visitor.

Common on the coast, and often to be seen on fields inland, in company with Common and Herring Gulls.

There is no nesting place of this pretty species, that breeds on the ground in swampy places, and by the edges of lakes, in Pembrokeshire, nor in any of the adjoining counties that we can discover. Indeed, the only place in the Principality that we at present know of (we consider there must be some others) where the Brown-heads nest, is on Mochras Island, on the coast of Merionethshire, where Mr. J. H. Salter found empty nests and other traces that the birds had reared young, at the end of June.

Mathew M.A. 1894, Birds of Pembrokeshire and it's Islands

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