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Fulmar - 1894

Fulmarus glacialis

A very rare accidental straggler in the autumn and winter.

This, the largest of the British Petrels, is a well-known Polar species, inhabiting a few islands to the extreme north of the British Isles ; St. Kilda, a remote island of the Hebrides group, being its metropolis, and here the birds annually resort to nest in incredible numbers. When obtained anywhere in the south, the Fulmar is generally picked up, sometimes inland, either dead, or in an exhausted state, when it is incapable of flight. There is only a single instance of its occurrence in Pembrokeshire, and this was one that was brought alive to Mr. C. Jefferys, of Tenby, in December, 1890, having been caught on a cod line in Tenby Bay.

Mathew M.A. 1894, Birds of Pembrokeshire and it's Islands

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