Redshank - 1894

Totanus calidris
An autumn visitor.
In Mr. Tracy's time, the well-known and vociferous Redshank was a common bird in the creeks abutting on Milford Haven, and in all the marshes around Pembroke, but it appears of late years to have become scarce, even on its most favourite grounds.
Sir Hugh Owen has told us that it had become rare at the time he was accustomed to shoot wild fowl about Milford Haven in his punt, where, fifty or sixty years ago, it was probably a common nesting species. He has since met with it at Goodwick, and we have seen it, in small flocks, on Newgale sands. Mr. Dix states, that in his time, it was common about the mud-flats of Pembroke river.
The Redshank, is probably, still a regular autumn visitor to the county, although in greatly reduced numbers. A flock of twelve, we learn from the Migration Report for 1883, alighted on the Tuskar Rock, seven miles off the coast of Wexford, opposite St. Bride's Bay, on May 18th, 1883.
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