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Sandwich Tern - Spring

 Sterna sandvicensis

Spring passage has been documented from the earliest recorded on the 8th March through to the 30th June. Records have involved sightings of from one to twenty birds at a time all around the coast, predominantly from the south coast and the west coast including the offshore islands, with far fewer noted along the north coast. Largest counts were of 22 at Caldey, 33 at Penally, 37 at Lydstep, 25 at Frainslake, 25 at the Gann and 21 at Fishguard Harbour. The general movement northwards to breeding colonies along the coasts of the Irish Sea and further up the west coast of the UK, to some extent makes the north Pembrokeshire coast  a lee shore and probably accounts for lesser numbers occurring there compared with the west coast and islands. It is speculative whether those accumulating along the south coast later move to the Irish Sea to continue their migration, or whether some may follow the shoreline of the Bristol Channel to cross overland to the North Sea. 

 Graham Rees

(Covers records up to and including 2007).

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