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Sanderling - passage

Calidris alba

Autumn passage has been recorded from the 16th July to the end of November. The most favoured localities have been the Teifi Estuary (max. 15 on the 21st August 1987), Nevern Estuary (max. 18 on the 29th July 2005), Angle Bay (max. 25 on the 22nd September 2006) and Frainslake (max. 57 on the 21st July 1996). Transient birds have also been seen at popular bathing beaches, mostly involving one to four birds at a time but 12 were at Broad Haven (North) on the 2nd September 1985 and 50 there on the 30th July 1986.

Spring passage has been recorded from April to the end of June, most passing through during May, hence being a much quicker event than autumn passage and in terms of volume involving about half the number of birds.

The same localities were frequented in spring as in autumn, flock sizes being similar, the maximum recorded being 40 at Frainslake on the 18th May 1996.

Cumulative passage totals 1980 – 2006.

Graham Rees.

(Covers records up to and including 2006).

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