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Dipper - 2003-07

The Pembrokeshire breeding population was estimated to be 70 – 140 pairs at the end of the 1984-88 survey, based on there being one to two pairs per occupied tetrad. No significant change was evident at the end of the 2003-07 survey when examining the “Confirmed + Probable breeding” categories. This suggests there has been no numerical change in the population. There was a 20% decrease in the number recorded in the “Possible breeding” category, which were birds recorded in the breeding season but where no evidence that they were nesting was found. The implications of this are not understood but see the account for Kingfisher.

Graham Rees


Fieldwork 2003-07 (based on 490 tetrads)

Red = breeding confirmed = 23

Orange = breeding probable = 15

Yellow = breeding possible = 17

Total tetrads in which registered = 55 (11.2%)

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