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Whinchat - 2003-07

Fifty pairs were found during the 1984-88 survey, most of them about the lower slopes of the Preseli Hills but a few others spread in suitable habitat across the north of the county as far as the coast. The 2003-07 survey found that their distribution had been reduced by 70%. Those which were still breeding were in the Preseli Hills, save for probable breeding on the St. David’s peninsula. The few Possible breeding registrations were thought to have involved birds on passage. It was estimated that a maximum of 25 pairs were nesting by the end of 2007. Reasons for the decline are thought to include adverse conditions on the wintering grounds and changes in agricultural practice. Over-grazing in localities formerly occupied by Whinchats may have encouraged colonisation by Stonechats in some areas.

Graham Rees


Fieldwork 2003-07 (based on 490 tetrads)

Red = breeding confirmed = 7

Orange = breeding probable = 2

Yellow = breeding possible = 3

Total tetrads in which registered = 12 (2.5%)

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