Moorhen - 2003-07
Normally retiring in nature, moorhens can become quite confiding in public areas, such as Pembroke Mill Ponds. Moorhens inhabit lowland fresh water places with well vegetated margins, which are essential for nesting. They sometimes use old nests of other birds, even when they are in trees.
A comparison of the two surveys indicates a 13% increase in distribution by the latter period. If this is applied to the estimate of 300 pairs accompanying the earlier survey, then there were probably about 340 pairs in 2007. The increase was probably due to irrigation reservoirs which were new and bare during the 1980’s now acquiring vegetation.
Graham Rees
Fieldwork 2003-07 (based on 490 tetrads)
Red = breeding confirmed = 86
Orange = breeding probable = 52
Yellow = breeding possible = 32
Total tetrads in which registered = 170 (34.7%)
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