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Pheasant - 2003-07

The Pheasant is an Oriental species which was introduced into Pembrokeshire about 1586, and has since naturalised. Considerable numbers are reared and released each year for shooting purposes and this has been the case for many years. Some have survived the shooting seasons to breed in a wild state and this is the population which the local surveys have attempted to assess.

The 2003-07 survey found there had been a 21% increase in distribution since 1984-88, suggesting there were about 1,630 nests by the end of 2007 compared to 1,350 in 1988, using the mean of the estimate ranges. This is expressed as nests rather than pairs as male Pheasants habitually have several mates. They were absent from the higher parts of the Preseli Hills during both surveys.

Introduced to the islands of Skomer and Caldey, they were found there during both surveys.  They possibly bred on Ramsey during the 1984- 88 period, having presumably reached it unaided, but were not recorded there in 2003-07.

Graham Rees


Fieldwork 2003-07 (based on 490 tetrads)

Red = breeding confirmed = 29

Orange = breeding probable = 225

Yellow = breeding possible = 54

Total tetrads in which registered = 308 (62.9%)

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