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Chiffchaff - 2003-07

The repetitive song which gives the Chiffchaff its name is a familiar sound in the summer time. It favours deciduous rather than coniferous trees but is widespread in the county. The domed nest is usually well concealed and placed low down in the available vegetation.

Chiffchaff numbers have been increasing across Europe since about 1980. The first estimate of the Pembrokeshire breeding population was made following the results of the 1984-88 survey. At an average density of 15 pairs per occupied tetrad, a total of 6,000 pairs was suggested.

By the end of the 2003-07 survey a 13% spread in distribution had been plotted in Pembrokeshire and the BBS noted a 42% increase in Wales between 1994 and 2007. Using these figures an estimate of 8,500 pairs breeding in the county by 2007 emerged.

Graham Rees


Fieldwork 2003-07 (based on 490 tetrads) 

Red = breeding confirmed = 101

Orange = breeding probable = 319

Yellow = breeding possible = 8

Total tetrads in which registered = 428 (87.3%)

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