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Starling - 2003-07

The Starling has been declining in Britain since the 1980’s, particularly in the south and west. The BBS notes a 53% decrease in Wales between 1994 and 2007. Comparing the results of the 1984-88 survey with that of 2003-07 shows a 69% contraction in range. There has also been a decrease within the surviving distribution. Just two pairs were breeding at Skokholm and none at Skomer, where there were 10 pairs and five pairs respectively in the 1980’s. This decrease was evident elsewhere in the county, for instance perhaps no more than five pairs survived in Haverfordwest and at Strumble Head a former thriving colony of 10 pairs was down to just one pair by 2004.

Combining the contracted distribution with such indications of decrease suggests that less than 200 pairs were breeding in Pembrokeshire at the end of 2007, whereas it was estimated there were 2,000 pairs in 1988.

Graham Rees


Fieldwork 2003-07 (based on 490 tetrads) 

Red = breeding confirmed = 42

Orange = breeding probable = 16

Yellow = birds reported but with no signs of breeding

Total tetrads in which registered = 58 (11.8%)

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