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Starling - 1949 status

Sturnus vulgaris vulgaris

In 1880 bred only in a few places, including St Davids, but by 1894 rapidly establishing itself.  Still rare in same parts as a breeder, and curiously local in distribution in the summer.  Absent from many villages, eg: Fishguard, in the west especially (only six pairs St Davids 1948), but has lately colonised Skokholm (two pairs 1944, about six pairs 1948), and Skomer (one pair 1946).  Abundant winter visitor, roosting in large numbers 1947-8 at Sealyham, Woodbine (nr Haverfordwest), Goodwick and Tenby marshes, and in smaller roosts elsewhere (eg Monk Haven).  These visitors possibly include immigrants from the Continent.

R.M.Lockley, G.C.S.Ingram, H.M.Salmon, 1949, The Birds of Pembrokeshire, The West Wales Field Society

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