Semi-palmated Sandpiper - 2016

There have now been three records of this attractive American peep in Pembrokeshire. The first was on Skokholm in 1964 and was also the first Welsh record. This and the most recent record were of adults whereas the 2007 individual was a juvenile.
Skokholm (moulting adult) 20th to 21st July 1964) (A W Diamond, W J Plumb)
The Gann (juv - photo below) 14th-27th Oct 2007 (D J Astins, P K Grennard et al)
Photo (c) David Astins
The Gann (moulting adult - photo below) 3rd – 5th Sept 2013 (D Grimwood et al)
Photo (c) Richard Crossen
2016 - A juv at the Gann, 5th – 8th Aug (DG et al). Photos on the sightings blog
Mike Young-Powell
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