Green-winged Teal - 1972 to 1997

Considered initially as an American race Anas crecca carolinensis.
Males were noted at Rosehill Marsh on 30th January 1972; at the Gann on 22nd - 27th April 1977 and 2nd March 1986 (Donovan and Rees, 1994).
In 1996, individuals (perhaps the same one) at Skokholm 15th to 17th April (G Thompson) and Marloes Mere 3rd to 11th May 1996 (KJS Devonald, GH Rees et al). (1996 Pembrokeshire Bird Report).
In 1997, a male at Skokholm 17th April 1997 and at Skomer 18th April to 1st May. (1997 Pembrokeshire Bird Report).

scarce in
Green-winged Teal