Green-winged Teal - 2000 to 2015

There have been a number of records (reported by various different observers) of drakes during the period reviewed here (2000 to 2015). These include:
In 2000, one Skomer 17th to 20th November.
In 2001, singles on Skokholm 22nd February and 22nd March; singles at Newgale 14th to 30th March; Marloes Mere 12-13th May.
In 2003, One was at Little Milford 9th January.
In 2004, one was at Skomer 16th February and probably the same bird was also seen at Lawrenny 16th February.
In 2005, one was at Newgale 2nd to 12th December and Skomer 26th November, with two different males on the island on 28th November; probably three birds were involved altogether.
In 2009, one was at Marloes Mere on 4th May.
In 2010, there were two records: one at Marloes Mere from 8th to 25th April and another at the Gann on 25th December – both probably relating to the same returning male from last year.
A total of three birds were reported in 2011, all singles and probably relating to the same individual: In January at Sprinkle Pill on 16th, at Marloes Mere a bird first seen on 12th February was last recorded on 2nd May, and at Penberry Reservoir on 6th and 7th May.
In 2013, singles were reported at Sprinkle Pill from 12th January until 9th February; at Marloes on 17th June and later in the year at Milton on 27th November; and finally at Newgale from 26th December until the end of the year.
In 2014, one at Newgale Marsh from 2013 into 2014 was joined by a second bird on 19th January to 1st April.
In 2015, the presumed returning bird on the Cleddau was at Hook, close to Millin Pill, on 21st February.