Black-necked Grebe - 1992 onwards

Podiceps nigricollis - Scarce and irregular winter visitor
1995 - one Bosherston Pools, 25-26 January
1997 - one at Angle Bay, 21 Nov - 31 Dec (RJE et al)
1998 - one at Angle Bay, 1-7 Jan (TJP, GHR)
2000 - One Gann, 20-21 Sept (DJA, OR) and 2 there 26 Dec (TJP).
2004 - Singles Newport Bay, 10 & 13 Aug (SB) and Heathfield G P, 28 Nov (M-YP et al).
2005 - One at Treginnis, 4-14 Dec (JB, LL, MS et al)
2006 - One Llys y fran Res, 2 Jan – 1 Apr (DJA et al)
2007 - The only record was a single at Westfield Pill, 18-22 Nov, (AJH, LL)
2008 - Two records of single birds: at Angle Bay, 12 Jan - 1 March (RC, TJP et al) and at Llys-y-fran, reservoir 22 Jan - 6 March (PKG et al)
2009 - Only two records this year, the first being at Llys-y-fran Reservoir 18 Jan - 20 Feb (AR), the second seen off Tenby on 2nd March (PKG)
2010 - Only two individuals were recorded this year: the returning Llys y fran individual present from 16th Jan until 6th Feb then returned on 12th Dec until the end of the year (DJA). Another was at Fishguard Harbour from 29th Dec into 2011(WJ).
2011 - Just two records this year of singles in Fishguard Harbour from 2010 last reported on 9th Jan and at Llys y fran Res from 2nd Jan until 23rd (WJ, DJA et al).
2012 - The only records for 2012 were two birds at Frainslake Mill on 26th Feb (MS) and one that passed Strumble Head on 15th October was the first record of the species for the site (R Liford).
Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire Bird Reports