Buff-breasted Sandpiper - 1995 onwards
Tryngites subruficollis - Rare American visitor.
1996 - A typically confiding juv Dale Airfield 6-21 Sept (KJSD et al)
2000 - One, Castle Martin ranges 23 Sept (PRH et al).
2010 - A juvenile on Dale Airfield on 2nd - 3rd Oct (DJA). Accepted WRP. Photo opposite by DJ Astins.
2011 - As in other places in the SW of the UK, an influx in September, two at Stackpole 21st (DJ Killick), three at Dale Airfield 23rd – 24th (K. Meatyard et al) and two nearby at Kete 28th – 30th (BS et al). All accepted by WRP.
2016 - A juv on Dale Airfield 10th Sept (DJA, JWM). Accepted WRP.
2018 - Three Dale Airfield 22nd – 25th Sept (IS et al) and one on Skokholm 27th Sept (RB et al) photo below. All accepted by WRP
Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire Bird Reports