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Golden Oriole - 1980 onwards

Oriolus Oriolus   - EURYN - Scarce visitor.

1982 - 1, Skokholm, 25 May (EGG,GGG)

1984 - Male, St. Davids, 7 June (KJSD, GCL)

1985 - Male, St. Davids,26 May(BAS)

1986 - Female Skomer 19 May (SJS et al)

1987 - Male St Bride's 26 apl (PT)

1988 - One Castlemartin ranges 6 June (JB)

1989 - one St Davids Head on 12 June (JWD)

1990 - Male Skomer 4 May and female on 31 May. Single males Skokholm and Llanwnda 27 May and Marloes 30 May.

1991 - Male Trecwn 8 May

1992 - Singles at St Davids golf course 19th April Marloes/Mullock Bridge 6 May, Skomer 14-16 May, and St Davids Head 30 June.

1993 - Singles Skomer 27 May and 27 June

1994 - Singles Dowrog 7 May, Skokholm 5 June and Hylton Woods 9 June

1996 - Singles Skomer 22 May - 6 June, and Hylton Woods 9 June

1997 - Singles Skomer 23 May and Martin's Haven 3 June

2000 - Male Ramsey 13 & 16 May (RH) and female Marloes Mere 18 May (SJS).

2001 - Single females Skomer 13 & 26 May (JGB et al).

2003 - A series of records from Skomer where: one 28 April, a pair 30 April-1 May with a male remaining to 2 May.  Another male seen by day visitors 15 June (JGB)

2006 - There were 3 on Skomer 14-18 May, all were females or imm males; 2 remained 19th-20th and a single bird 22nd-23rd and 25th (JGB).

2008 -  A female on skomer 21-26 May (D Boyle) was the only accepted record

2009 - An immature male on Skomer on 14th-15th May (DB et al). Accepted WRP.

2010 - Rare summer visitor. Male at Bosherston on 25th May (BH). A pair on Skomer 7th May (T. Birkhead). All accepted by WRP

2012 - A first year or female St Davids Head on 8th May (MYP) was the only record accepted by WRP.

2014 - A male at St. Davids Head on 25th May was the only record (MYP). Accepted by WRP

2015 - On Skomer, at least four possibly five birds 11th & 12th May, with one remaining until 13th (JWM et al). Accepted WRP.

2016 - A female at Marloes Mere 6th – 7th May (DJA et al), a male at Dinas Cross 6th July (SEB) and on Skokholm on 11th May (GE, RB et al). Accepted WRP.

Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire Bird Reports

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