Icterine Warbler - 1990 onwards

Hippolais icterina - TELOR AUR - Scarce passage migrant
1990 - Singles Skokholm 13 June & 29-30 Aug (MB)
1991 - One Skomer on 24 & 25 Aug (SJS).
1992 - Singles Skomer 20 May and 25 Sept (SJS et al)
1993 - One Skomer 6012 Sept (DV et al)
1995 - Singles Skokholm 19-20 Oct and 31 Oct- 1 Nov, the latter the latest recorded date for Pembs
1996 - One Skokholm 20 July
1997 - Singles Skomer 30 May, 17, 18-19 and 24 August, and 17 Sept (SS et al). Singles Skokholm 11 Sept, 15-18 Sept (GT et al) and St Ann's Head 6 Sept (DJA et al). A total of 9 individuals.
2002 - One Skomer 24 Aug (JP et al)
2003 - One Skokholm 24 Aug (GT)
2010 -A single on Skomer 31st Aug - 2nd Sept (DB).
2014 - Singles on 2nd Sept Skomer (JWM, LPL) and on Skokholm (BD et al), both on 2nd Sept.
2016 - Single on Skomer 29th Aug (JWM) another 6th – 19th (ES).
Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire Bird Reports