Black Guillemot - 2003-08

A supplement to the Atlas of Breeding Birds in Pembrokeshire 2003-2007.
On 13th June 2003, a black guillemot in summer plumage flew into the cliffs at Penally.
In 2007, two birds were recorded in Fishguard Harbour in June and July raising speculation that they may have attempted to breed.
In 2008, a year after fieldwork for the Breeding Birds Atlas was over, breeding was confirmed at Fishguard - the first confirmation of successful breeding in the county since the early 19th Century.
Rees, G., Haycock, A., Haycock, B., Hodges, J., Sutcliffe, S., Jenks, P and Dobbins, R. et al. 2009 Atlas of Breeding Birds in Pembrokeshire 2003-2007. Pembrokeshire Bird Group.