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Barred Warbler - 2015 Skokholm

Rare Autumn Migrant 19 previous records
A juvenile found in the Courtyard on the morning of 24th September appeared exhausted, feeding clumsily on Elderberries before returning to the same sunny branches where it regularly lost its balance and sat with its wings drooped (RDB et al.). Telescope views revealed that the bird was wearing a metal ring, however with it appearing so weak, no attempt was made to catch it and discover its provenance. Happily the bird appeared to perk up before disappearing over the westerly wall, not to be seen again.
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This was the first record since a bird on 8th September 2013 and only the 20th for Skokholm. Of the 18 other individuals, one was in the 1950s (the second for Wales on 12th September 1956), five were in the 1960s, one was in the 1970s, one was in the 1980s, eight were in the 1990s and two were in the first decade of this century.
Skokholm Bird Observatory Annual Report 2015 (Richard Brown & Giselle Eagle)

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