Common Rosefinch - 2015 Skokholm

Carpodacus erythrinus Llinos Goch
Rare 24 previous records including 11 in spring and all singles except for three on 11th October 2001
Earliest 3rd May 1970 (11th June 2015) Latest 12th October 1995
1 trapped
1936-1976: 4 trapped, 2011-2014: 4 trapped, 1 retrapped
A brown bird found outside of the Cottage on 11th June was the first spring record since 2013 and maintained the annual status of a species which has been logged in each of the last five years (RDB, GE); there were recent singles between the 5th and 10th September 2014, on 8th June 2013, between the 27th and 29th August 2012 and between the 2nd and 11th September 2011. Prior to these the most recent record was on 25th May 2003. Interestingly the last three spring records have all been one day birds whereas the last three autumn records have all lingered. This year’s bird was subsequently trapped in the Wheelhouse Heligoland and became the fifth to be ringed in five years, one more than marked during the first incarnation of Skokholm Bird Observatory.
Photos on Skokholm blog
Skokholm Bird Observatory Annual Report 2015 (Richard Brown & Giselle Eagle)

Skokholm in
Common Rosefinch