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Corncrake - 1992 onwards

Crex crex - Formerly bred, now a scarce passage migrant

1992 - heard calling from three localities around St Davids for about a week from 25th May (JB). One Ramsey, 1st Nov (TRBS)

1993 - records of calling birds, Lower Moor (St Davids) for several nights 28 April onwards (JB), Camrose 15 May (per RM) and for several days Marloes 3 June onwards (KE).

1994 - One maybe two birds were calling in suitable habitat but there was no proof of breeding.

1995 - One called near St Davids 24 April (JB) and one heard calling at Nolton Haven 27 July (KP)

1997 - A single was flushed from Llangloffan Fen 13 Aug (RJH)

1999 - Two records, both from Skokholm, adult 26 May, then an imm 14-17 Sept (GT et al)

2000 - One flushed on Ramsey 21 Sept (SA, RS).

2002 - Two Sept records, the first at Maildy Uchaf, Granston on the 13th (SDSB), the other on Skomer on the 27th – the first record there since 1988 (JGB).

2003 - Single flushed out of south valley, Skomer 21 Sept.

2013 - The only accepted record was one at Whitesands Bay, St. David’s on 25th Apr (MYP).

Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire Bird Reports

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