Wood Sandpiper - 2000 onwards

Tringa glareola - Scarce passage migrant
2000 - Singles Westfield Pill 24 Aug, juv Newgale Marsh 28 – 30 Sept. Singles Skokholm 19 & 23 July, then 2 juvs on 22 – 24 Aug.
2001 - Singles, Skokholm 1 Aug and Teifi Est 2 Sept.
2002 - Single, Westfield Pill 14 Sept (AJH).
2003 - A single recorded at Pembroke MP from 12 to 26 Aug (PKG et al). Single Skokholm 9 Aug (GT).
2004 - Single, Nevern Est 11 Aug (GJW)
2005 - Single, Castlemartin Corse, 20 Sept (MS)
2006 - One, North Pond, Skomer 25 Aug.
2008 - The only records received were of singles at West Williamston on 31 Aug (PJ) and on Skomer on 5 Sept (DB)
2012 - The only record was of one in Fishguard Harbour on 16th Aug.
2013 - Singles were at Teifi Marshes on 21st July (photo opposite by T. Evans) and at Dale on 24th Aug, with another (or possibly the same) in the Marloes area on 25th Aug. Finally, two birds flew over Pen Anglas on 26th Aug.
2014 - Only four records this year, singles: at Marloes Mere 14th & 24th May and on Skokholm on 22nd May and then on return passage on Skomer on 25th July.
2015 - All reports were of single birds on autumn passage in August: at Skokholm & Marloes Mere on 7th, two on Skomer on 11th, at Marloes Mere on the 12th, at The Gann on 13th, two on Skokholm on 23rd and finally another on the 30th Aug.
2016 - The only record was of a single on Skokholm 9th – 14th Aug
2017 - A single on Skomer 5th – 8th May, another 4th Aug and one on Skokholm on 17 - 20th Aug, photo below
2018 - Singles on Skokholm 26th July and at Marloes Mere 12th Aug were the only records
Records extracted from the Pembrokeshire Bird Reports